J-R curve, price per set of 6-10 samples at 20 °C, body A50, B50.
J-R curve, price per set of 6-10 samples at different temperature, body A25, B25, D25.
Fatigue crack propagation rate, determination of threshold value of stress intensity factors, temperature 20 °C.
Fatigue crack propagation rate, determination of threshold value of stress intensity factors, temperature up to 175 °C.
J-R curve, price per set of 6-10 samples at different temperature, body A75, B75.
Master curve, price per set of 6-10 samples, body A10.
Master curve, price per set of 6-10 samples, body A25, B25, D25.
Fatigue crack propagation rate, determination of threshold value of stress intensity factors, temperature 176 - 550 °C.
Master curve, price per set of 6-10 samples, body A50, B50.
Master curve, price per set of 6-10 samples, body A75, B75.